Climate Resilience Prize 2024 

An unconditional and non-dilutive CHF 100,000 cash prize to support startups working to drive climate resilience in agriculture and food value chains

Later-stage campaign - we're looking for startups with a minimum viable product, that have data and traction and are ready to scale up.



Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) and MassChallenge Switzerland are pleased to introduce the second edition of the LDC Climate Resilience Prize - an unconditional and non-dilutive CHF 100,000 cash prize to support startups working to drive climate resilience in agriculture and food value chains.

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A leading merchant and processor of agricultural goods, LDC’s vision is to work toward a safe and sustainable future by contributing to the global effort to provide sustenance for a growing population. As a strategic partner, LDC is looking to connect with and invest in companies with whom it can add value as a cornerstone supplier, customer, or partner. Its corporate venture capital program, Louis Dreyfus Company Ventures, provides equity capital to early-stage companies developing innovative and sustainable products, technologies, processes, and solutions with the potential to transform food and agricultural production, and make LDC's operations more profitable, sustainable, or efficient.

MassChallenge Switzerland is facilitating meaningful connections between LDC and selected startups, with the goal of finding breakthrough solutions to critical challenges in food and agricultural supply chains, adding real value for customers and markets while protecting the environment and safeguarding natural resources.

In line with these goals, the LDC Climate Resilience Prize will be awarded to the food and/or agriculture startup with the biggest climate impact potential.

The winner will be announced on stage at the MassChallenge Switzerland Awards on October 31st.


“Through this prize, we are thrilled to continue supporting the next generation of innovators, empowering visionary creators of transformative new ideas to create change at scale through groundbreaking products, technologies, processes or solutions with the potential to drive climate resilience in food and agricultural value chains.”

Michael Gelchie, Louis Dreyfus Company's Chief Executive Officer.



We are looking for startups, with proven solutions or technologies in the areas of: 

LDC Prize Categories

  • Impact on land use - regenerative agriculture practices, smart farming, water reduction, pesticide and fertiliser reduction, crop health and yield increase, biodiversity protection
  • Traceability - End-to-end traceability in the supply chain, from farm to consumer.
  • Upcycling - upgrade of low value grains, side-stream utilization. 
  • CO2 reduction technologies - applications in the ag value chain, including feed, processing, land and maritime transportation. 


  • One winner will receive a no-strings-attached, non-dilutive cash prize of CHF 100,000.

  • All startups will participate in workshops and receive resources & coaching to help quantify their climate resilience solution.

  • An opportunity to connect and collaborate with investors looking to positively and sustainably impact food and agricultural value chains, including a direct connection to LDC decision-makers and, if relevant and desired, potential discussions about scaling the solution.

  • Publicity at the final judging event in Lausanne, Switzerland, at the MassChallenge Switzerland Awards attended by over 400 people, and through various related communications.


What does carbon resilience mean for LDC?

Overall, LDC is looking at CO2 reduction and enablers, and more specifically:

  • Impact on land use - regenerative agriculture practices, smart farming, water reduction, pesticide and fertilizer reduction, crop health and sustainable yield increase, biodiversity protection
  • End-to-end traceability in the supply chain - to quantify and understand opportunities
  • Circular economy - upgrade for low value crops
  • Sustainable packaging - natural additives

We are looking for startups that:

  1. Have impactful products, technologies, processes, and solutions that can contribute to climate resilience in food and ag-tech, by decarbonizing the food value chain. Startups will be asked to quantify their solution’s impact in relation to CO2e removed/avoided over the next 10 years until 2034. For example: How many tons of CO2e will you avoid emitting, or sequester per ton of your product per annum? How many m3 of fresh water will you save per annum? How many tons of waste material will you prevent from being emitted each year? How many tons of natural resources will you recover or prevent from being wasted each year?

  2. Have a viable idea. Startups must be able to demonstrate traction amongst those participating in their solution, as well as how their idea is financially sustainable. For example: data showing sales to consumers, manufacturers or farmers, or the size of their supply base (ie farmers), or their business model.

  3. Have a scalable idea. Startups must be able to show that their solution is ready to scale up, with an MVP. Scaling could involve LDC, but this is optional. For example: reach millions of farmers, be sold to millions of consumers, be applied in manufacturing plants.

  4. Have successfully measured the impact. Startups can use MassChallenge’s guidance and will present to a jury at both an online semi-final and a final event in Lausanne, determining the ultimate winner.

  5. Are from any geography. Startups from around the world can apply. However, as physical accelerator events are in Switzerland, startups should ensure they are able to travel to Europe. The selection process will be carried out online.

Applications will open in April 2025.

Any questions?



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